This article is a part of a series of articles on individuals described
in the Vedas, Epics and Puranas, with the name 'Maya' and related
concepts like 'Maaya'. Their connection with the Meso American Mayans
too is explored in detail. Read the main article:- Danava Maya and Mayans of America.
Yakshas were an
ancient Indian tribe, similar to the Mayan tribe with a pan-Indian
presence. They were present in Tibet, the Himalayas, the Western
Mountains (now in Pakistan), Narmada valley and in Southern India. The
Yakshas of Tibet, living around mountain Kailasa and Manasarovar
controlled the northern trade routes (predecessors of later day Silk
routes), where rich mountain goods were traded. Through the sea ports in
Dwaraka, Vanga, Southern India and Lanka (Srilanka) they traded these
goods to distant lands crossing all the major Oceans. The southern
Yakshas controlled the sea-ports in Southern India and Lanka.
South Indian Yaksha territory
From the analysis of
Valmiki Ramayana,
we have already seen the presence of Yakshas in southern India during
Ramayana era (reign of Rama and Ravana). There they inhabited the Malaya
mountains (southern portion of Western Ghats of India) that lies along
Kerala-Tamilnadu, Kerala-Karnataka boarder. We have also explored the
possibility of them having their sea port at Kanyakumari, where Malaya
mountain terminates at the sea shore of Indian Ocean, close to
This territory of southern-Yakshas (Dakshina-Yaksha / Ten-Yaksha /
Yaksha-Ten / Yaksha-Dakshina) lied to the west of Chola territories and
to the immediate west of Maya's cavities / cave networks
Yucatan, the Yaksha territory in Meso America
It is interesting to note that there existed a Yaksha territory in
Meso America as well, which was considered as a part of the ancient
Mayan cultural region in Meso America. There are many territorial
entities with names resembling Yaksha, Yaksha-Desa (Yaksha Country),
Ten-Yaksha, Yaksha-Ten, Yaksha-Dakshina, Yaksha-Deccan, Yaksha-Tekkan
(southern Yaksha) here such as
Yucatan one of the 31 states of Mexico and
Yucatan Peninsula. These territories are located in South Eastern Mexico along the Atlantic coast.
The Yucatán Peninsula comprises a significant proportion of the
ancient Maya Lowlands (although the Maya culture extended south of the
Yucatán Peninsula, through present Guatemala and into Honduras and
highland Chiapas). There are many Maya archaeological sites throughout
the peninsula; some of the better-known are Chichen Itza, Tulum and
Uxmal. Indigenous Maya and Mestizos of partial Maya descent make up a
sizable portion of the region's population, and Mayan languages are
widely spoken here.
People inhabiting in this region seems to be of a mixed descend that
emerged from the Yaksha and Maya tribes who reached here from the
ancient sea-ports of southern India, crossing the Oceans in huge ships,
following each other.
Yaksha king Kubera
The king of the Yakshas is mentioned as
Kubera (
Vaishravana) in ancient Indian texts. There were many places mentioned
in ancient Indian sub-continent with Kubera's name both in south and
north. Thus there were southern Yakshas as well as northern Yakshas,
with some tribal kinship existing between them. The place name
which now appear as the name of a mountain pass in Afganistan-Pakistan
boarder is derived from Kubera, the king of the Yakshas. Kubera's
presence in Kailasa (mount Kailas, Tibet), Manasa sara (Manasarovar,
Tibet) and Himalaya mountains is also well attested in the epics and
Puranas. As per Ramayana he ruled at Lanka (Srilanka). When Rakshasa
king Ravana rose to power in Lanka (during the reign of Rama), Kubera
retreated to his territories in Malaya mountains of southern India
(which is wrongly described as Himalaya mountains in Ramayana due to the
tribal connections of southern Yakshas and northern Yakshas). Today,
Yaksha tribe is known by the name Yakka, Yakha, Yakhu, Yak, Yaka, Yasha
etc in Srilanka (ancient Lanka), Nepal (Himalaya) and southern Tibet
Kambojas were an ancient Indian tribe mentioned in
Mahabharata and
and in many Puranas. Their territories were spread in Kashmir,
north-West Pakistan and the north and west of it. They were sometimes
mentioned as an Asura clan. They have taken part in Kurukshetra War
described in Mahabharata, siding with the
Kuru king
Khyber and Kamboja
It is interesting to note that the Khyber pass is named after
Yaksha Kubera.
In ancient times he controlled the trade goods passing through the
trade routes passing through this mountain and earned enormous wealth.
Thus he earned the title 'the Lord of the Riches'. Khyber pass falls in
ancient Kamboja territories. The Kambojas had trade relations with the
Yakshas in Tibet as well as sea ports in Dwaraka, Vanga and southern
India (some of which belonged to the southern Yakshas).
Kamboja in Meso America
Naturally if the Mayans and Yakshas who coexisted in India
(especially in the sea-faring southern India) we would expect the
Kambojas too follow them and reach Meso America. Surprisingly we find
them in
another Mexican state bordering Yucatan. Campeche lies to the south west
of Yucatan. Even the trade route of the Kambojas to Meso America along
Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean is traceable as a South East Asian
country is named after Kamboja, viz. Kampochia / Kambodjia / Camobodia.
Kamboja traders from India first settled in Cambodia, giving the land
its name and then moved to Meso America where it gave Campeche state of
Mexico its name.
Local Etymology
As per some Western scholars the name of Campeche is derived from the
Mayan name of a settlement called “Ah-Kin-Pech” where the city of
Campeche is now. The original mean “place of snakes and ticks". This is
inaccurate and seems to be a locally derived etymology when the original
name 'Kamboja' is lost from memory, a phenomenon not uncommon in many
parts of the world as well.
Known History (Western Version)
The first people to dominate the state were the Mayas, who arrived to Campeche from Guatemala (
Honduras and Chiapas. The main Mayan cities were Edzna, Xtampak, and
later Calakmul and Becán. The Mayan civilization reached it height
between 600 and 900 CE. From 1000 on, the Mayan cities collapsed and
were abandoned for unknown reasons. This led to the establishment of
smaller settlements and a mixing of the Mayan and Chontal people in the
south of the state, which had commercial ties to the central highland
cultures of Mexico. From the 11th century to the 16th century, Campeche
was divided into smaller dominions.
Patala and the Seven Talas
The epics and Puranas describe several vast inhabited continent sized
regions called 'Talas'. There are seven Talas identified with what is
now known as the seven continents. Among them Rasatala is identifiable
with Africa (especially its eastern coast). Patala is identifiable with
South America and Meso America. Sutala is identified with Australia
(especially its northern western coast) and South East Asia, also known
as Suvarna Tala and Suvarna Bhumi (the Golden region). Vitala is the
rest of Asia. Talatala is identified with Antartica and Mahatala with
North America.
Atala is identifiable with Europe and Atalanta ('Atala' 'anta', the
end of Atala) with the western boundary of Europe including some
inhabited islands in Atlantic Ocean. One among such island in Atlantic
ocean was inhabited by people with advanced civilization, called
Atlantis which as per Greek sources, later submerged. The name of this
island called 'Atlantis', the name of 'Atlantic Ocean', the place names
like 'Atlanta', the name of Greek god 'Atlas' - all of these are derived
from the Sanskrit word 'Atala' denoting a vast region known to ancient
Indians which is now known as Europe.

Patala is mentioned as a vast region with plenty of precious metals
like gold, silver and copper. Ancient Indian sea-traders reached Patala
(South America) in search of these. There are places in America where
these metals are found in abundance. Argentina (in South America) got
its name because of its silver mines. Silver in Sanskrit is called
'Arjuna' (from which its scientific Latin name 'Argentum') is derived.
'Arjuna' means, 'shining white'. There is an island called
Copper Island
(Kupari-saari)- a local name given to the northern part of the Keweenaw
Peninsula (projecting northeastward into Lake Superior at the western
end of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, United States of America. Saari
means an island inside a Saras (Lake). Some copper mines in America was
in use even in 3000 BCE period (post Mahabharata period in ancient
India). There were plenty of gold mines too in both north and south
There were many kings in ancient India who assumed the title 'Bali'
or possessed the tribal name 'Bali' (alternatively pronounced as Vali).
Bali means 'the powerful' in Sanskrit. Many kings with the name 'Bali'
ruled in the western and eastern coastal regions of India. The territory
of Bali kings thus was spread in the coastal region of Indian
peninsula. They engaged in sea trade and extended their power into
Indian Ocean and into territories lying in Indian Ocean such as South
East Asia (Baali) and Eastern Africa.
Western Bali: Mahabali
One of the prominent king named Bali was Maha-bali. He was the son of
Virochana and grandson of
Prahlada and the great grandson of
Daitya Hiranyakasipu. He ruled the western sea shore of ancient Indian Sub-continent, from
Baluchistan in the north to
in the south. He is still revered as a great king by people of Kerala,
in south western India, where every year they celebrate a festival named
'Onam' (Sravanam) to commemorate Mahabali. Subsequent to the expansion
Kashyapa tribe from Kashmir, his tribe later moved to Rasatala (Africa, especially the eastern coast). The territorial names like
Bali (a province in Ethiopia in East Africa] and others in Somalia are the result of the presence of the Bali tribe in Rasatala.
They later seems to have migrated to the western shores of Africa as well (
Bali, Nigeria,
Bali city in Cameroon).
Astronomical significance of Onam
In Kerala, Onam is celebrated when the Moon is at the star Sravana
during the month when Sun is in the constellation of Leo (skt. Simha,
mal. Chingam). People of Kerala, Malayalis, celebrate New Year on the
day when the sun enters the constellation of Leo following a calender
named 'Kolla Varsham'. The current version of this calender started in
common era 825 CE (the year of death of the famous sage Sankaracharya /
the date when the city Kollam is reopened after it was destroyed due to a
natural disaster). However this calendar is the remnant of a much
ancient calender established when Vernal Equinox was in the
constellation of Leo, around 10,500 BCE to 8000 BCE.
Almost all of the ancient cultures design their calenders such that
they start their years with Vernal Equinox when day and nights will be
equal in duration so that it is easy to mark the beginning of the year.
But the Vernal Equinox shift from constellation to constellation due to
Precession of Earth's axis which take 25,772 years to complete one
revolution, traversing 1 degree in around 72 years, and one
constellation (30 degrees) in around 2148 years.
Around 10,500 BCE is also the period arrived at by Graham Hancock and
Robert Bauval as the date when the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx were
constructed in Egypt. Since I identify Rasatala with east coast of
Africa, it follows that the civilization that created these structures
could be belonging to the Asura Daitya tribe of Mahabali (his
predecessors or successors). Africa (including Egypt) also falls midway
to Patala (identified with South America and Meso America) which was the
final destination of Mahabali as per the Onam myth. As per this myth
Mahabali was sent to Rasatala and Patala by a Kasyapa sage named Vamana
who famously measured the Earth in three strides (an allusion to the
cartographic measurement of the surface of Earth marking its longitude
and latitude).
Kerala has yet another calender with New Year (named Vishu,
Vaishakhi) celebrated on the day when sun is in the middle of
constellation of Aries (skt. Mesha, mal. Medam) around April 15. This
calender is the remnant of another ancient calender system when Vernal
Equinox was in the middle of constellation of Aries (corresponding to
3100 BCE). Modern Western Astrology which which considers Aries as the
first constellation, originated in 2150 BCE in Greece. India's national
calender, (current version:- Saka Era which started at 78 CE) too
consider Aries as the first constellation of the year.
Vaanara Baali
It is speculated that Vanara Baali (Vaali) mentioned in
Valmiki Ramayana as the brother of
Vanara Sugriva
is a member of the Bali tribe. Baali is mentioned as the son of Indra.
As per my analysis Indras are many who ruled as kings at various time at
various places, belonging to various tribe. A king of the
kingdom is mentioned as one among the many Indras. Mahabali is also
considered as one among the many Indras. Hence Baali could as well be a
descendant or son of Mahabali.
Eastern Bali
Another king Bali is mentioned as ruling in Bihar, Bengal, Orissa
region as per Mahabharata. His descendants were mentioned as the
founders of the five famous kingdoms of ancient India:-
Anga (in Bihar),
Vanga (in west Bengal),
Kalinga (in Orissa),
Pundra (in Bangladesh) and
(in Bangladesh). The descendants of this Bali have moved to South East
Asia using sea ports of Vanga and Kalinga. The Indonesian island
bears the name of ancient territories of Bali in SE Asia. The Bali
tribe seems to have also reached China attested by the names like
Bali in China.
Belize: Balis in Meso America
Following other tribes like the Mayas, the Nagas, the Yakshas, the
Balis too reached Meso America. Their territory became later known as
Belize. To the south of it was Ketumala (
a prominent geographical territory described in the epics and Puranas
of ancient India which describe the geography of the whole world known
to ancient Indians. The etymology of the name Belize using the native
Maya word belix, meaning "muddy water" is purely artificial and a later
Migration of Bali tribes from India to America
Belize has a sizeable proportion of Africans from the ancient Kingdom
of Kongo, who could have brought the name with them, as there is a
Belize in Angola as well. This indicate it was the Bali tribe of western
India who came by circumventing the Eastern and Western coast of Africa
and crossing the Atlantic Ocean, who dominated Belize rather than the
Eastern Bali who came by SE Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
Virochana Viracocha Connection
Among the
Incas (another ancient civilization in Americas besides Mayan) in the west coast of South America there is a god by the name
Viracocha who is none other than Asura
Virochana, the father of king Mahabali. Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology.
Virochana in Atharva Veda,
Virochana in Ramayana,
Virochana in Mahabharata,
Virochana in Vishnu Purana.
In Sanskrit the name 'Virochana' means 'the bright one', 'the shining
one', 'illuminating one', 'light', luster' etc. This name is used to
denote sun, moon and fire. It is also used as the name of sun-god.
Virochana is also the fifth in descend from Pitamaha Brahma (Spitama in
Avesta):- Brahma - 1.Daksha - 2.Diti - 3.Hiranyakasipu - 4.Prahrada -
5.Virochana and thus is the Fifth Sun. Thus Virochana was a contemporary
of Zara-tushtra, who is mentioned as fifth in descent from Spitama as
per Avesta.
Arrival of Virochana in South America
Viracocha was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon
and seen as the creator of all things, or the substance from which all
things are created, and intimately associated with the sea. This is
because Virochana reached South America from India crossing the Indian
Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
Virochana established Inca civilization
Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon and stars, time (by
commanding the sun to move over the sky)[3] and civilization itself.
Viracocha was worshipped as god of the sun and of storms. He was
represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his
hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain. He wandered the earth
disguised as a beggar, teaching his new creations the basics of
civilization, as well as working numerous miracles. He wept when he saw
the plight of the creatures he had created. This indicate the huge
effort Virochana had to make to establish a civilization in South
Characteristics of Virochana
Viracocha was described as "a man of medium height (in some
narrations, tall), white and dressed in a white robe like an alb secured
round the waist, and that he carried a staff and a book in his hands".
Spanish chroniclers from the 16th century claimed that when the
conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro first encountered the Incas they
were greeted as Gods, "Viracochas", because their lighter skin resembled
their God Viracocha.
It is possible that Virochana indeed had a lighter skin color since
he belonged to Asura Daitya tribe. But the "whiteness" here need not be
mere skin color but could as well represent Virochana's role as a
sun-god, who was often hailed as 'the bright one', 'the shining one',
'illuminating one', 'light', luster' etc.
Virochana's descendants in South America
In one legend he had one son, Inti, and two daughters, Mama Quilla
and Pachamama. In this legend, he destroyed the people around Lake
Titicaca with a Great Flood called Unu Pachakuti, saving two to bring
civilization to the rest of the world, these two beings are Manco Cápac,
the son of Inti (sometimes taken as the son of Viracocha), which name
means "splendid foundation", and Mama Ocllo, which means "mother
fertility". These two founded the Inca civilization carrying a golden
staff, called ‘tapac-yauri’. In another legend, he fathered the first
eight civilized human beings. In some stories, he has a wife called Mama
In another legend, Viracocha had two sons, Imahmana Viracocha and
Tocapo Virachocha. After the Great Flood and the Creation, Viracocha
sent his sons to visit the tribes to the Northeast and Northwest to
determine if they still obeyed his commandments. Viracocha himself
traveled North. During their journey, Imaymana and Tocapo gave names to
all the trees, flowers, fruits and herbs. They also taught the tribes
which of these were edible, which had medicinal properties, and which
were poisonous. Thus it is clear that Virochana's children spread the
Inca civilization in South America.
Return of Virochana to India
Eventually, Viracocha, Tocapo and Imahmana arrived at Cuzco (in
modern day Peru) and the Pacific seacoast where they walked across the
water until they disappeared. It seems Virochana and his son sailed back
to India.
Symmetry of Onam myth with Viracocha myth
In Kerala, as per Onam myth, a great king and leader of the people
(viz. Asura Mahabhali, the son of Virochana) leaves his south western
Indian coastal territory and goes to Rasatala and Patala. As if
complementing this myth we have in South America and Meso America the
myth of Viracocha arriving there from a far away land beyond the oceans
and becoming their king / leader of people / god / builder of
civilization. The Kerala myth also states that Mahabali will rule at
Rasatala and Patala (identified as Africa and Americas respectively)
like Indra as a great ruler and we see that was exactly Viracocha did in
the Americas.
Thus it is possible that Viracocha of the Americas was none other
than 'Asura Mahabali Virochana Putra' (Asura Mahabali, the son of
Virochana) which got abbreviated as Viracocha.
There is also evidence for Mahabali's intermediate presence in Africa
(Rasatala) in the Egyptian myth of Osiris. The Egyptian god Osiris is
mentioned as the main god who brought civilization to Egypt from a far
away land beyond the eastern shore / eastern ocean from a south eastern
direction. The name 'Osiris' could be an abbreviation of the name
'Asura' the tribal appellation of Mahabali.
Ketumala is a geographical region mentioned extensively in
Mahabharata and
Vishnu Purana
as an important region in the world known to ancient Indians. It is
mentioned as a western region (indicative of America). It is mentioned
as among the four continental regions known to ancient Indians as
inhabited by people like them:- Bhadraswa (South East Asia), Ketumala
(Americas), Jamvudwipa (Indian Sub-Continent), and Uttar-Kuru (Rest of
Asia to the north of India). The remnant of the name Ketumala as applied
to America is seen in the name
Guatemala, a Meso American country, which was part of the Mayan cultural region.
As per Western historians the origin of the name "Guatemala" is
unclear, but several theories exist. "Guatemala" is derived from
"Goathemala," which means "the land of the trees" in the Maya-Toltec
language. Another theory is that it comes from the Nahuatl expression
"Cuauhtitlan," meaning "between the trees". All of these etymologies are
incorrect and pales in comparison to the etymology derived from the
Sanskrit territorial name Ketumala, applied to the Americas.
Uraga Uruguay connection
Uraga is an ancient Naga (snake worshiping) tribe mentioned in
and other ancient Indian texts. There presence in Kashmir (with place
names like Uri) and in Southern India is well attested in these texts.
They were a sea-faring tribe like many Naga tribes. Their presence in
South America is attested by the name of the country
Gaya and Apara Gaya in South America
Gaya was another Asura tribe mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures.
An Asura by the name Gayasura belonging to this tribe is mentioned as
ruling from a territory in what is now Bihar state of India. Currently
the place name
is a remnant of this territory. The Gaya-Asura tribe seems to have
reached South America forming two kingdoms one (Gaya) in the east of
South America and other to its west (Apara Gaya).
The name of two countries
Guyana and
bears the name of ancient Gaya and Apara-Gaya (meaning the other Gaya
or the western Gaya) in South America. Guyana is the ancient Gaya of
America and Paraguay is the ancient Apara Gaya of America.